Helping couples boost communication and intimacy so they can build a better sex life and relationship together

Couples Therapy in Philadelphia, PA

You’re both frustrated and looking for change.

Couple sitting in silhouette trying to determine if they will do couples therapy in Philadelphia

You have a great relationship.

You love and trust each other, get along great, and have been through some really good times, and some tough ones. Through it all, you’ve been able to build your relationship and bond.

Buuuut there’s one area that’s been tough to navigate: sex.

You both want your sex life to be better. You feel like you’re just not on the same page and aren’t sure how to talk about it.

One of you is trying really hard to step up.

You don’t want sex as often as your partner does but you’re trying. Desire just doesn’t seem to come naturally to you. You worry there’s something wrong with you, like your body is somehow broken. You want to connect and share sexual intimacy but everything you try makes it worse because the outcome is the same- you just aren’t feeling the sex. You feel a lot of pressure because sex in relationships is a big deal and it’s important to you both. But you don’t understand why your body won’t just do what you want it to.

The other one of you is trying really hard to step back.

You want sex more often than your partner and don’t want them to feel like you’re pressuring them. You try to wait and let them initiate when they want sex, but that initiation never seems to come. You love them and enjoy showing that love through sex, but they don’t seem to enjoy it the way you do, which is confusing. It can feel hurtful, even like rejection, when they don’t respond positively to your advances and touch. Sometimes you worry they’re no longer attracted to you.

Can Couples Therapy in Philadelphia really help, or is this as good as it gets?

Sometimes you think this is just how your relationship will be. You worry if you stay on this path one, or both of you, will give up and decide the sex, and the relationship, isn’t worth it. But you both want to work at this because it’s important, even if the sex isn’t where you want it to be. You’re not giving up. Just the opposite. You want to learn more, figure out how to communicate about this, and find a way to create an awesome environment that fosters an awesome sex life for you both.

I’m Erinn, a couples therapist in Philadelphia, and I help frustrated couples communicate, connect, and build better sex lives.

Erinn Hoel women smiling, long brown hair, blue eyes, couples therapy in Philadelphia

Erinn Hoel, Couple’s Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

Through couples therapy, you’ll explore what changes would strengthen your relationship and sex lives and identify what’s keeping you from being the best versions of yourselves. You’ll learn why focusing solely on the sex isn’t helping you advance your goals, but what can.

We’ll explore how things like stress, relationship issues, family dynamics, sleep, etc. are impacting you as individuals, and how this is affecting your sex and relationship. I’ll integrate communication, connection, stress reduction, and anxiety-reducing techniques to help you work together toward better sex, and lives, together.

My couples discover the benefits that come with building communication and intimacy. They’re more comfortable and confident in themselves as individuals, and in their relationships. There will be energy and humor in our sessions, as both can help motivate you when things feel overwhelming, scary, or draining because therapy doesn’t have to feel like that. Instead, it can help you find the energy, satisfaction, and connection you’ve both been searching for.

If you want to reconnect with each other so you can build a great relationship and sex life, call 484-854-3866 or click here to schedule your free 15 min intro call today!

My specialties include sex therapy in Philadelphia, online sex therapy, couples therapy, sexual health, holistic therapy, and stress management in Philadelphia and throughout PA.

 Ready to start working toward better sex together today? Check these out to get started.

How to find a Couple’s Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

Sex Talk: Why talking during sex is sexy and can help you have better sex

Desire to Fire Quiz:

Learn your desire type so you can fuel your fire and start having better sex today

Communicating: Why it's tough and 4 key steps to communicating better

Free phone call for Couples Therapy in Philadelphia

Discover how couples therapy with the right therapist can make the difference between a good relationship and a great one by calling 484-854-3866 or clicking here to schedule your free 15-minute intro call.

Questions? I’ve got you- click here to learn more or here to reach out!