How to find a Couple’s Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

There’s no shortage of couples therapists in Philadelphia, PA. But how do you know which one will be right for you and your partner?

couple holding pinkies, beautiful sunset, beach, calm water

Googling “couple’s therapist near me” results in thousands of hits. That’s great because you have lots of options. But also, it’s overwhelming. If you’re wondering what types of things to look for to help you narrow it down, you’re in luck. Below are 5 tips to keep in mind, as they’ll help you navigate the process and find an awesome couple’s therapist you both love.

5 tips for finding a couple’s therapist in Philadelphia, PA:

Tip #1: Identify the most pressing issue you both want to work on together.

It’s helpful if you and your partner have an honest conversation about what you’re looking for from a couple’s therapist and what you hope to get out of the process. Potential couple’s therapists will ask about this and if you don’t know what you want to work on, it can be difficult to know what to look for in a therapist. Once you identify the main thing you want to work on together, look for a couple’s counselor that has the experience, training, etc. in that area. It’s all connected so don’t worry too much about finding someone that has worked with everything you and your partner are experiencing. Start with the most pressing issue for you both now, and look for someone with experience with that.

Tip #2: Consider what type of couple’s counselor you and your partner would be comfortable talking to.

Take some time together to talk about who you and your partner would feel most comfortable talking to. Some people have preferences in gender, age, specialty, license, etc. Be honest with yourself and each other about what you envision the process being like, and how you envision your therapist. This can help you narrow down the list from the thousands of couples therapists that show up when you search online. Each therapist is different so it’s important to have a convo with them to see if they’re a good fit (see next tip), but thinking about the type of person you’d be comfortable with can help you have a more manageable number of therapists to vet. If there are aspects of a couple’s therapist you feel strongly about having or avoiding, narrow your search by looking for someone who fits that.

Tip #3: Take advantage of free couple’s therapy intro calls together.

If potential couple’s therapists offer a free intro call, do it! This is the best thing you can do to get a sense of who the therapist is and if they’ll be a good fit for you and your partner. You can only learn so much from someone’s profile, website, etc. Having a video or phone chat all together will help you get a better sense of their personality and style. This is helpful for you because you’ll make better and quicker progress if you like your therapist, and the process will be slower and more difficult if you don’t. IMPORTANT- schedule this chat at a time when you and your partner can be on the call together. It’s important you BOTH feel comfortable and feel the therapist is a good fit. If either of you feels it’s not a good fit, it’s not going to be as effective. Taking advantage of these free calls helps you get a feel for a potential couple’s therapist before committing so you can best set yourselves up for success.

Tip #4: Consider a sex therapist if you’d like more connection and intimacy.

Sometimes couples shy away from sex therapy because the name itself can be intimating, or they feel they don’t have “serious enough” sex issues to warrant this type of service. But sex therapy can be helpful in so many ways! Sex therapists can help couples communicate better, connect in new ways, and bring in more intimacy, plus so much more. Yes, sex therapists talk about sex, but it’s so much more than that. They can help you get more comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics, which is a skill couples can use in many different areas. If you’d like to connect better with your partner, consider working with a sex therapist. You also might have some more fun along the way ;)

Tip #5: Consider different types of couple’s counseling services: telehealth, in person, hybrid

Some people love telehealth/online therapy and some love meeting in person for couple’s therapy. Some are fine with either and are focused more on the services and fit with the couple’s therapist, rather than the setting. Talk with your partner and be honest with each other about what kind of environment will allow you to feel most comfortable, open, and motivated, and look for a couple’s therapist offering this.

A free couple’s therapy intro call in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Remember, the best way for you and your partner to set yourselves up for success in couple’s therapy is by being honest about what you’re looking for, asking questions, and finding someone you feel comfortable with. It can be overwhelming at times but don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis! Take it one step at a time and remember why you’re doing this: because you and your partner are struggling, but you love each other and want to spend some TLC on yourselves, each other, and your relationship.

I hope this helps you think about what you need to succeed and find the right couple’s therapist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. If this still feels overwhelming, or you have more questions about finding the right couple’s therapist, click here to schedule a free 15 min phone chat. I’d be happy to learn more about your process and help you and your partner figure out how to choose the best therapist. If you’re looking for individual sex therapy in Philadelphia or couples therapy in Philadelphia, click these links to learn more about how I can help.

My specialties include low desire, differential desires, low libido, sexual communication, managing sexual stress and pressure, and increasing connection.


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