Helping those with low desire manage the stress of this and remove obstacles so they can increase desire, boost connection, and look forward to sex again.

Philadelphia Sex Therapy and Couple’s Therapy

Philadelphia Sex Therapist, Couples Therapist, & Telehealth in PA

You’re confused about what happened to your desire and have started stressing out about sex. You’re stuck in a lose-lose situation where you’re stressed if you try to have sex, and feel guilty if you try to avoid it. But you’ve been TRYING and are getting really frustrated that the work you’ve been putting in hasn’t gotten you the results you want.

You’ve started avoiding sex because it’s stressing you out. You want to know how to get out of this cycle you’re stuck in and why your sex life feels so off track. But it hasn’t always been like this, so what’s changed?

And it’s not that you don’t want to have sex with your partner, it’s that you want to want to have sex with them. But how the hell do you communicate that to them?? It doesn’t even really make sense to you. You worry about hurting their feelings and this leaving you feeling even more disconnected.

But you’re ready for a change

This has been so frustrating because you’ve worked really hard on becoming the best version of yourself. You’re so good at so many things, you just feel so bad at this. But you also recognize that what you’re doing hasn’t helped and want to try something different. That doesn’t mean you’re suddenly no longer stressed about your desire and sex life, but you also want more. You want more connection, more fun, more playfulness, to increase your desire, and shift from dreading to looking forward to sex. And deep down, even on those tough days, you know you deserve it. And I’m here to tell you it’s possible.

My name is Erinn and I can help!

pretty woman laughing in nature, ivy on tree, long brown curly hair, laughing, pink floral dress

Erinn Hoel, Sex Therapist in Philadelphia, PA

I help those who are struggling with low desire decrease the stress this causes, learn exactly how the system works, and remove obstacles getting in the way of connection, opening you up to actually increase your desire.

As a sex therapist in Philadelphia and throughout PA, I’ll help you get to know your sexual side better and learn why focusing only on the sex, or avoiding this, hasn’t gotten you the results you want.

We’ve all learned unhelpful info about sex and relationships and together we’ll explore the pressure to live up to these unrealistic expectations and how to set more realistic, attainable goals. And we’ll shift the focus from being on what your sex life “should” be to what you want it to be. Trying to live up to someone else's standards can be really frustrating (infuriating, really) because what works for one might not work for another. But that also means once you start exploring this for yourself (and learning how your desire works, no more assumptions about it just “happening”), that’s where you can really start turning your desire into fire.

I recognize talking to a stranger about sex doesn’t usually come naturally but I’ll make it as comfortable as possible. I often joke, sometimes swear, and always ask a lot of questions and encourage my clients to do the same because it’s important we be ourselves and have some fun along the way. Therapy doesn’t have to be scary. Instead, it can be a place to truly let your guard down and get to know yourself better.

If you want to stop stressing about sex, allow your desire to thrive, and add this to that long list of things you’re good at and proud of, contact me today to schedule your free 15-min phone call for couples therapy or sex therapy in Philadephia.

My specialties include lack of desire, differential desires, stress and sex, building sexual pleasure, communicating about/during sex, and increasing connection and intimacy.

Click on the specialty below to learn about how I help!

Reach out for a free phone call

If you’re ready for a better sex life and more desire, click here to schedule a free 15-minute intro call or call 484-854-3866.

Got questions? Don’t we all! Click here to check out FAQs or here to contact me.